Screen Failure Record | CODE | Failure Cause |
Internal Fault | 1 | A general serious fault has occurred in the instrument, or a communication fault has occurred with the connected test instrument during calibration. |
2 | ||
3 | ||
Internal Fault | 4 | A serious malfunction has occurred in the device in general. |
Internal Fault | 5 | A malfunction occurred in communication with the connected tester during calibration. |
Time Fault | 6 | The time of the DTCO 1381 is not correct. |
display fault | 7 | Display failure (sometimes no view) |
Internal Fault | 8 | Keypad malfunction |
Calibration Fault | 9 | Malfunction in calibration memory |
Internal Fault | 10 | v – pulse output fault (B7). |
Internal Fault | 11 | Printer error. |
Download Fault | 12 | Communication failure detected while downloading from card or data memory. |
Internal Fault | 13 | Other fault, CAN controller message; no sharers, no approvals etc. as. |
Internal Fault | 14 | CAN failure , status message of CAN controller "Carrier closed" |
Internal Fault | 15 | Failure or interruption in transmission with external display device (restart display). |
Sensor Fault | 16 | Internal sensor malfunction; The KITAS 2171 motion sensor reported an internal fault after self-checking. |
Security Breach | 17 | Data security failure. Internal sensor error indicates error in motion sensor data validation. |
Security Breach | 18 | Internal sensor error, identification faulty. Motion sensor shows error during identification. |
Power Interruption | 19 | The voltage supply to the motion sensor was cut or disconnected. |
Sensor Fault | 20 | Error during sensor communication. |
Sensor Fault | 21 | Error during sensor communication.B3 |
Sensor Fault | 22 | Error during sensor communication. |
Security Breach | 23 | Error during motion sensor identification. DTCO 1381 displays error during motion sensor identification. |
Security Breach | 24 | Error while comparing serial numbers of motion sensor. |
Security Breach | 25 | Data memory error. Due to an error in the data DTCO 1381 memory, data security must no longer be ensured. |
Security Breach | 26 | The safe of DTCO 1381 has been opened. |
Security Breach | 27 | False signals on the calibration interface. The interface blocked additional signals will be ignored until the requested PIN number is entered. (service card installed). |
Driving Without Card | 28 | Driving without a card or a valid card in card slot 1. |
Cards Conflict | 29 | KCombination of cards in art slot 1 and 2 is invalid; these two tachograph cards cannot be inserted at the same time. |
Overspeed | 30 | The programmed maximum speed was exceeded for more than 60 seconds. |
Power Interruption | 31 | The operating voltage of the DTCO 1381 is out of range. |
| 32 | Calibration error; After the calibration was complete, important calibration parameters were replaced with invalid values. |
---- | 33 | Motion sensor impulse with ignition off. |
Ejection not Possible | 34 | The tachograph card cannot be removed; request denied. |
Process Delayed | 35 | Delayed Card processing. |
Printout not Possible | 36 | Output is not possible at the moment. The printing process in progress will be canceled and all printing requests will be rejected. |
Printout Delayed | 37 | Output will be slow or delayed. |
Drawer Open | 38 | Printer cover open. |
No Paper | 39 | Check printer's paper. |
Internal Fault | 40 | Malfunction in the card mechanism. |
Card Fault | 41 | TCommunication with the smart tachograph card (in card slot 1) is faulty. Communication failure occurred while reading or writing card data. |
Security Breach | 42 | Attempts of security breach or authenticity of data cannot be guaranteed during identification of the tachograph card. |
Security Breach | 43 | No cards; DTCO 1381 inserted card not detected for a long time (card slot 1). |
Card not Closed | 44 | When the driver or service card is read (in card slot 1), it is detected that the card was not properly removed from the last vehicle or its data was not properly stored. |
Time Overlap | 45 | Negative time difference to last vehicle (EC recorder). |
Insertion while Driving | 46 | The tachograph card was inserted after the vehicle started to be driven. |
Security Breach | 47 | Attempts of security breach or authenticity of data cannot be guaranteed during identification of the tachograph card. |
Card not Valid | 48 | The inserted tachograph card (in card slot 1) has expired or is invalid. |
Recording Inconsistent | 49 | While reading the tachograph card (in card slot 1), an inconsistency with the date data was detected on the connection. |
Card Error | 50 | The inserted card (in card slot 1) cannot be read or written. |
Wrong Card Type | 51 | The inserted card (in card slot 1) is not a tachograph card. |
Card Locked | 52 | The inserted service card (card slot 1) is locked. |
Internal Fault | 53 | İit is not possible to process, the tachograph card was not accepted and was removed. |
Break! 1¿4h30 É00h15 | 56 | After 4 hours and 30 minutes of continuous driving time, the DTCO 1381 warns of the required rest period. |
Break! 1¿4h15 É00h15 | 57 | After 4 hours and 15 minutes of continuous driving time, the DTCO 1381 warns of the required rest period. |
Internal Fault | 58 | Board mechanical system failure - Slot 2 |
Card Fault | 59 | Card communication error - Slot 2 |
Security Breach | 60 | If card data Authenticity cannot be assured - Slot 2 |
Security Breach | 61 | Card is missing or not unlocked - Slot 2 |
Card not Closed | 62 | Last card session not closed properly - Slot 2 |
Time Overlap | 63 | Slot 2 - Negative time difference relative to last vehicle. |
Insertion While Driving | 64 | Slot 2 - Driver card inserted while driving. |
Security Breach | 65 | Card Authenticity check failed - Slot 2 |
Card not Valid | 66 | card is either expired or not yet valid - Slot 2 |
Recording Inconsistent | 67 | , (slot 2) An inconsistency exists in data links while reading on a card. |
Card Error | 68 | the inserted card (card slot 2) cannot be read or written. |
Wrong Card Type | 69 | Slot 2 - inserted card is not a valid tachograph card. |
Card Locked | 70 | Added Atölye Card (slot 2) is blocked. |
Internal Fault | 71 | Process not possible, tachograph card and not accepted are removed -Slot 2 |
Break! 2¿4h30 É00h15 | 74 | 4 hours continuous driving time 30 minutes exceeded - Slot 2 |
Break! 2¿4h15 É00h15 | 75 | 4 hours continuous driving time exceeded 15 mins - Slot 2 |
Upgrade Module not Present | 75 | The process is not possible, the tachograph card is removed as soon as it is accepted -DTCO 1381 could not be updated with a software. |
Upgrade Failed Error #00000003 | 78 | The upgrade file is corrupt or damaged. The software update has been cancelled. |
Upgrade Failed Error #00000001 | 79 | software DTCO 1381 power supply error during upgrade Out of specified range. Software upgrade canceled. |
Upgrade Failed Error #00000002 | 79 | Software upgrade canceled. |
last update: 06.11.2021